Spanish to English and Portuguese

Spanish to English and Portuguese using WPML Plugin

In this project, I focused on Spanish to English and Portuguese Translation using the WPML plugin. I used the Deepl translator website to accurately translate all 14 pages and 3 products, including their categories, into the respective languages.

On the product pages, static text was generated by a file uploader plugin through JavaScript. To handle this, I wrote custom WPML JavaScript code. This code detects the current language, allowing me to translate the plugin’s static text into English and Portuguese.

Additionally, I made the static text on WooCommerce pages translatable by implementing custom PHP code. This change allowed the text to appear on the WPML String Translation add-on page. It made translating into other languages easier.

After completing the translations, I added a language switcher to the header navigation menu. This feature enables users to switch between English and Portuguese easily.

To enhance the user experience, I also enabled GEO location settings. These settings ensure that the website automatically opens in the visitor’s browser language. For example, if someone from the USA visits, the English version will load automatically. For visitors from Spanish-speaking countries, the website will display in Spanish. Check out another translation project I completed.


Spanish Home page


Spanish Shop page


English Single Product Page



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